• Do you feel alone, confused, or fearful in your spiritual journey or process of embodiment?

  • Do you feel adrift in a sea of ever more rapidly changing realities?

  • Do you know that your mind-body ailments have a common cause, but you can’t quite figure out how to approach the pattern?

  • Do you want clarity on what herbs and medicines will help towards wholeness and generational healing?

  • Do you want a clear, storied path forward towards your healing goals and spiritual journey?

  • Do you know that everything that’s occurred in your walk on this earth is part of a glorious story, but you haven’t been able to zoom out far enough to see how it fits together?


If so, then you’ve come to the right corner of the internet.

Crystal’s Astro-Herbal Consultations are sacred containers for safely journeying to the deepest roots of your body/mind’s ailments…

…as well as the source of your personal power and portals to divine strength and wisdom.

Crystal masterfully utilizes the accumulated tools of European and Appalachian folk healing tradition alongside the ancient Hellenistic lineage of medicine and astrological diagnostics.

Her integrated methods can effectively cut months to years off of clinical work in the health/spiritual coaching process for those brave enough to fully engage in the remediation process.

But don’t worry. You aren’t doing this work alone—Or for yourself alone!


With Crystal’s guidance, you will invite your own guides and ancestors into this healing container. These guides and ancestors will help you to receive, respond to, and integrate the guidance and remedies that Crystal recommends.

Crystal has honed her psychic awareness and channeling abilities from a young age. Her capacity to hold space is vast, as the universe has entrusted her with some of its most difficult challenges so that she can discover unique and varied ways to integrate and expand while remaining embodied and honoring Gaia’s gifts.

What to Expect in a Session


Re-Framing Your Story


Crystal provides you with a safe, open, but structured space to share from your heart and receive reflections and reframings in accordance with your unique and original geometry of light as recorded in your birthchart.

Understanding, compassion, and self-knowledge are the medicines that we develop in this portion of our consultation.

Re-Weaving the Body-Mind

Re-weaving and co-creating our bodies, lives, and world are not things we can do in isolation.

 The second half of our consultation will be devoted to problem-solving and setting you up with a detailed step-by-step map of what you need to progress onto the next stage of your journey.


This map may include, but is not limited to:

  • Rituals and altar work recommendations

  • Herbal medicine remedies (along with suggested sourcing, dosage, and preparation)

  • Lifestyle and dietary suggestions

  • Somatic and breathwork practice recommendations

  • Dreamwork/Journeywork suggestions

  • Crystal/Stone elixirs and meditations

  • Talisman Creation and Spellwork

  • Astrological Timing Recommendations and Precautions

 Are You Ready to Start your Journey?

Schedule Below!

A Little About Crystal


Crystal is a lineage Appalachian witch, clinical herbalist, Hellenistic astrologer, yogini, and poet who has guided hundreds of students and clients to heal themselves from chronic illness, become more fully embodied, and begin living in the enchanted realms that are our birthright.

She has 20+ years of somatic and yogic studies, 17+ years of herbal medicine study, and 11+ years of committed ceremonial study with indigenous and folk medicine carriers from around the world.

Her most important teachings were transmitted directly from the stars, her ancestors, and the spirits of her Appalachian woodlands. She spent much of her childhood outdoors and initiated herself by walking alone from West Virginia to South Dakota writing poetry for souls who showed her kindness.

She has also been initiated into several other healing traditions through arduous ceremonial fasts, prolonged isolation, ritual possession, and even being temporarily paralyzed by a lightning strike.

She has been teaching her craft full-time for over sixteen years from international universities, to yoga studios, to her own wellness center and ceremonial center, and finally to the world-wide web, where she co-directs The School of Heaven and Earth with her husband Matthew Merlin.


How to Prepare for a Consultation


  • Take photographs of your tongue, face, and fingernails in natural light.

Please do not eat or drink any colorful food, dairy, chocolate, or coffee before taking the photographs. Take photographs of the top, bottom, and sides of your tongue. Let your tongue rest out of your mouth. Do not force it out or let it hang out for more than 5 seconds at a time as you take the photographs.

Take one photograph of your face resting in a natural position and one photograph where you are smiling. Make sure that the photograph shows the color of your irises.

Take photographs of the nails on both your left and right hands.

Send these photographs to me in an email to crystal@crystalwoodling.com once you book.


  • Get clear on your intention As you book.

    But allow that intention to evolve. Hold onto it gently, as the time between booking our session and meeting will be full of energetic shifts as our guides begin working together more intimately.


  • Try to have your accurate birthtime and place along with your birthday.

    If you do not have your precise birthtime, contact the hospital where you were born to see if they have records. If they do not, please consider booking a rectification session with my husband Matthew Merlin of Ancient Astrology. He can work with you to figure out your approximate birthtime.

    Without this information, we can still work together, but we can do more penetrative work with the diagnostic information that your accurate Whole Sign birthchart affords.

  • Bring a candle, a smoke offering (preferably a local plant that has been dried), and a journal & writing implement to your session with you if possible.

    It’s lovely to open our container with proper ritual implements and writing things down helps you to more fully integrate the more profound things that are learned and revealed in our consultation.


Are you ready to take the next step on your healing journey?


Coaching packages are recommended for deeper/more complex work. Please see my coaching page to fill out an application. My coaching packages are priced on a sliding scale.